48 Positive Affirmations
1. Positive Affirmations: "I am enough."
2. Positive Affirmations: "I Am Grateful."
3. Positive Affirmations: "I Trust Myself."
4. Positive Affirmations: "I Remain Humble."
5. Positive Affirmations: "I Will Keep Looking Up."
6. Positive Affirmations: "I Compare Myself To No One."
7. Positive Affirmations: "I Am More Than My Failures."
8. Positive Affirmations: "I love the person that I am."
9. Positive Affirmations: "I am worthy of love and joy."
10. Positive Affirmations: "I Know I’M Close To My Goals."
11. Positive Affirmations: "I Respect My Body And Myself."
12. Positive Affirmations: "I Love Myself Exactly As I Am."
13. Positive Affirmations: "Positive Thinking Is My Friend."
14. Positive Affirmations: "I Am Part Of The Natural World."
15. Positive Affirmations: "I Trust My Heart To Lead The Way."
16. Positive Affirmations: "I Will Make It One Step At A Time."
17. Positive Affirmations: "I let go of all negative self-talk."
18. Positive Affirmations: "I Forgive Everyone Who Has Hurt Me."
19. Positive Affirmations: "I Am A Valued Part Of The Universe."
20. Positive Affirmations: "I radiate love, peace and happiness."
21. Positive Affirmations: "I have the power to change my world."
22. Positive Affirmations: "No One Else Determines My Self Worth."
23. Positive Affirmations: "I love my body and all it does for me."
24. Positive Affirmations: "My Past Is Not A Reflection Of My Future."
25. Positive Affirmations: "I Release The Past And Embrace The Future."
26. Positive Affirmations: "I am a work of art, cherished and admired."
27. Positive Affirmations: "I Surrender My Stress And Fall Into The Flow."
28. Positive Affirmations: "I am growing and learning each and every day."
29. Grace Sara Positive Affirmations: "Control Is An Illusion That You Must Give Up."
30. Positive Affirmations: "I have high self-esteem, and I respect myself."
31. Positive Affirmations: "I Am The Only One Who Can Give Meaning To My Life."
32. Positive Affirmations: "I Am Not Trying To Be Perfect And Accept Myself Wholly."
33. Positive Affirmations: "I am worthy of love, and I love myself unconditionally."
34. Charles F. Glassman Positive Affirmations: "I Will Always Find A Way And A Way Will Always Find Me."
35. Positive Affirmations: "I stay balanced when others behave in an unbalanced way."
36. Positive Affirmations: "I acknowledge my self-worth, and my confidence is soaring."
37. Positive Affirmations: "I appreciate my life and satisfaction come to me with ease."
38. Positive Affirmations: "I let go of people who do not have my best interests at heart."
39. Positive Affirmations: "I accept others as they are and they, in turn, accept me as I am."
40. Idowu Koyenikan Positive Affirmations: "I Am Attentive To The Opportunities And I Seize Them As They Arise."
41. Positive Affirmations: "I am overflowing with joy, vitality and energy, and I’m unstoppable."
42. Positive Affirmations: "My body is a sacred place and I choose to keep it clean and healthy."
43. Positive Affirmations: "My mind is filled with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts."
44. Positive Affirmations: "My efforts are being supported by the universe, and my dreams are becoming reality."
45. Jodi Livon Positive Affirmations: "Act As If Everyone Loves You. Be In Love With Everyone. Hug People With Your Words."
46. Daniel Hansen Positive Affirmations: "You`Re Only As Weak As You Let Yourself Become, And You`Re Only As Strong As You Allow Yourself To Be."
47. Louise L. Hay Positive Affirmations: "All Is Well. Everything Is Working Out For My Highest Good. Out Of This Situation Only Good Will Come. I Am Safe."
48. Maria Defillo Positive Affirmations: "I Choose To Honor, Love And Respect Myself. I Have The Power Within To Decide What I Want, And How I Want To Live."
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